
My misadventures on display for all to read.

Tally's Hookers to the Rescue

Last weekend, Monk Francais visited me and Swedish Lief for a three day trip to Montreal. That trip came to a grinding halt in Gloucester, MA, less than 100 miles from home and within AAA free towing limits.


It all began with a late brunch stop over in Newburyport. Swedish Lief witnessed our mixologist pour the vodka for a hefty four seconds before adding the blood orange to my cosmo. Efficient and ideal for a one drink wonder, such as myself. 

After exploring Newburyport, we made our way to the next seaside town. In route, Monk Francais heard a loud grinding near the front, right tire. Playing with death, Swedish Lief violently pumped the breaks three times. That's when the breaks went out completely.

Car still in working order.

Tally's Hookers is a tow truck company that can lift submarines, railway cars, or construction equipment, making our situation look like a first grader's math problem. 

Andrew, our knight in a hoodie sweatshirt, drove the car onto the tow truck, and then the sixty miles to our Boston mechanic.

We rolled into a cell phone dead zone somewhere in Gloucester. Frantically, we divided tasks and tried to find reception. I called the mechanics in Boston. Swedish Lief phoned AAA. Monk Francais researched our next meal. In less than thirty minutes, Tally's Hookers arrived. 

Not an actual reenactment.

Thank the heavens we were only a five minute walk from Halibut Point's oysters and beer, where they charged Swedish Lief $516 for dinner. Any good Jewish Catholic knows an evening spent with Hookers ought to be followed by overpriced shellfish and ale. 

Sons of Anarchy - Call Me #Failure, Maybe

12 oz of happiness and no motorcycle to prove it.

Your Daughter of Anarchy bailed on the moto expo. I found out it cost over $15 and I could not get myself to pay for it. I am sorry. Well, not really sorry to you as much as to myself because of my lack of self control at lunch.

My roommate, Swedish Lief (thanks to CatholcGelt's random name generator) got her car detailed. With two hours to waste and a mealtime to fill, we headed over to a local pub for burgers, a major no-no on my acceptable food list.*

Swedish Lief ordered the mushroom and caramelized burger while I got the jumbo 12 oz. burger with fried jalapenos and fried onions. Plus sweet potato fries, which came on the house since our waiter forgot to include them.

About 6 oz into the meal, my small mouth couldn't handle eating any more meat, bread, or potatoes. It seriously concerned me that I might get locked jaw from this seven inch tall behemoth. My roommate would have no such nonsense. "Eat your pickle. All of it!" For each additional ounce I consumed, my happiness quotient deteriorated in the opposite direction.

To cap it all off, Swedish Lief grabbed the bill and wrote, "Call me, <insert my phone number>" at the bottom. And then made a run for the door. **

*Over the last six months, my strict diet of meat, grass, and no exercise has helped me lose 25 lbs. Please consult your WebMD before following any advice herein as I only take credit for gained weight and gelato-induced bliss.

**I do not condone this behavior, but the waiter made a "that's what she said" joke. And since I laughed, Swedish Lief names this an act of flirtation.

Stand Up with Me!

I waited longer than I should to share my stand up routine with y'all. To my surprise, my first non-friend fan seems to be a Chilean satanic worshiper on Tumblr. My comedy knows no bounds and sees no creed. Comments, sharing and laughter in public are all widely appreciated. And yes, all the comedy I wrote for my routine is true, with a few exceptions.

Fugly Doodle Friday - Clyde the Mighty Elf

Some Fridays, I will post a fugly doodle, by nun other than yours truly. However, if I decide to share an even fuglier photo of myself, we might be renaming this Tuesdays with Arty.

It ain’t a rave til Clyde arrives.
— DJ Kringle
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Sons of Anarchy - Moto Expo this Weekend!

I may buy a motorcycle by Sunday. And find the anarchist of my dreams.

On Saturday and Sunday, the Northeast Motorcycle Expo will be in Boston. I don't know jack about motorcycles except that I wanted a moped after college. Does that even count? My med school friends called them donor peds and since I never wanted to turn into Inside-Out Boy, I took the bus like a chump.

Fear aside, I am going to try to meet some bad ass motorcycle enthusiasts. Just saying that means I am probably not wearing enough leather to this event. Check back on Sunday to see if I bought a bike or met the SOA of my dreams. Does he exist? I've never watched the show. All I know is that Ron Perlman plays a leading role and if Jewish biker gangs exist, take me, I am yours.